Friday, October 21, 2011

Movie Review for Forrest Gump

When I first saw Forrest Gump the thing that impressed me the most about this film was the fact that the the acting was so convincing that the audience was actually emotionally swayed by the end of the film. That is a rare thing in the movie business this day, to acquire actors who can fully get in character and carry out a convincing script, one which fully hooks the audience as they watch the film.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Movie review

Star Wars Movie Review-

I recently have been contemplating what made Star Wars such a memorable movie, and believable to all who witnessed it back when it was originally released. Costuming and set design played a large role in this; the fact that they could create the interior of a large spaceship, or that the costuming department could create thousands of molded costumes for the armies in this film. For future films I will strive to accomplish the same detailing that this movie has.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gladiator by Tyler Moffat

Gladiator is a film about a roman commander who helps win a war and gets betrayed and then has to fight in the arena for his life.  The film is very gory and violent but the action and story line is great. The acting in it is very good and there is vey little bad parts in it. The shots in the movie are great especially the fight scenes because it looks like your actually watching the fight in the arena. Gladiator is a good movie for whoever likes fighting and adventure.

Toy Story By Austin Rhodes

"Toy Story"A cowboy toy is profoundly threatened and jealous when a fancy spaceman toy supplants him as top toy in a boy's room.

Toy story is a great movie that everyone can remember from their childhood. The great thing about animations is it never out dates. Young children will continue to watch it over and over again and when that age of children becomes too old then another group will take their place. This movie turns the world of a normal human and shows what the toys see. It is cool how they have many different kinds of toys and how each one works together with the other. It also shows the cruel nature on what a toy has to encounter in his life. It also shows the relationship Andy has towards Woody and Buzz and how they come together to conquer there differences and become friends in the end. The first Toy Story will never compare to Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3. All in all, it was a great movie to kick back and bring back childhood memories.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Kings Speech by: Austin Stom

It is about a man who has a speech impedament. his dad just died and his brother left the thrown because he couldnt be head of the church for marring a divorced girl. The man has to make a speech anouncing entering the war with germany.

I liked the movie but it seemed a little long. I was able to pay attention to most of it and understand it. I liked the choice of shots they chose and when they dollied. I liked the ending and how his teacher was there when he was making the speech.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hurt Locker by Nathan Mennel

"Hurt Locker" Forced to play a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse in the chaos of war, an elite Army bomb squad unit must come together in a city where everyone is a potential enemy and every object could be a deadly bomb.

The Hurt Locker was an intense action movie with an ok story. It made up for the slow parts in the story with dramatic action scenes. There were few, if any, shots that were shot with a tripod. Everything was gritty and shaky to make you feel like you were there. For a movie that seemed shot entirely free hand, it was extremely good. Other movies that also used that effect like Cloverfield made it almost unbearable to watch. The movie had great settings. They really focused on the ghost towns and the giant deserts. The action really felt more intense than most other action flicks but when I watched it again, I saw it was because the scenes in the Hurt Locker were much longer. In normal action films, there are a lot of quick shots of shootings and other things but in the Hurt Locker, most scenes were of the main character walking slowly in his bomb suit pulling wires while trying to defuse bombs, every second you are waiting for the explosion.

12 Angry Men by Trevor Cantrel

"12 Angry Men". A dissenting juror in a murder trial slowly manages to convince the others that the case is not as obviously clear as it seemed in court.

I felt that the shot choices themselves were a bit odd considering the whole thing was basically in the one room and the tension that they could create could've delved a lot deeper had they picked more direct shots. The music choice was very well picked and thought out. I enjoyed listening to it, not for the actual quality itself, just for how well it fit into the story. The actors themselves weren't very good but the plot was phenomenal and was able to be kept along even though it was really only in one room. all in all it was phenomenal.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Casablanca by Dylan Griffin

"Casablanca." Set in unoccupied Africa during the early days of World War II: An American expatriate meets a former lover, with unforeseen complications."

The shot composition is very good. Storyline was very diverse, in its number of shots, as well as the content and meaning of each individual shot in regards to as how they are set up. Lighting is fairly hard to comment about, it was in black and white so not really much to talk about. But for a story with really not a whole lot of action to speak of, it surprised me that i actually watched it the whole way through, and ended up liking it because it had a very intriguing plot, with characters that I had no problem believing, and a protagonist I really enjoyed. Watching his struggles and oppression due to the Nazi presence in Casablanca made me feel something, since it is still such a raw topic so many years after the ordeal.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom by Jaylah Jackson

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom " Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ." After arriving in India, Indiana Jones is asked by a desperate village to find a mystical stone. He agrees, and stumbles upon a secret cult plotting a terrible plan in the catacombs of an ancient palace.

This movie was well shot.. like the monkey shot and the chase scene shot. Like when Indiana is talking to that one guy in white clothes. The camera was angled so that Indi's face was darkened and all you can see is the white guys face.. and also the shot of the monkey signaling his owner person thing.. and we get a shot of his starting up the bike thing getting ride to fallow Indiana. ( evil monkey)