Friday, December 16, 2011

Red State Movie Review

Red State was one of the creepiest and most messed up movies I've seen. It has to do with this church like Fred Phelps but times 100. They protest against gays and dispis them its very controversial. In the end you find out they have been killing the homosexuals in the community. I found the movie to be very deep and dark and it painted an image of a very twisted and distorted version of our society. The shots were very good and the movie always kept my intest. I found it really odd though how some of it played out it seemed unrealistic when you would step back but while watching the movie they did an amazing job of making it seem possible. Over all I would say its a movie that really gets you thinking and its kind of an eye opener on how good things can turn horribly wrong and about how some people just have something that jus doesn't click right.

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